In 2018, we returned to Alaska, driving from east Tennessee across Canada to the Alaska Highway. I posted for friends on a great FREE site, www.travelblog.org, but wanted to capture highlights and photos here. I've had plenty of time, as our only travel this summer has involved short in-country trips in our camper, due to the coronavirus. If you want to see the whole trip journal, go to the website and search on "tellico".
Tom has postponed his trip to Peru and the Inca trail to next May, but has not given up. One frustration for us is that life (and age) are moving on, and there's just not that much time before we can't adventure as we wish. This year's trip to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei will not happen, a walking trip in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland has been canceled, a planned return to Japan is doubtful, and even next summer's road trip to the midwest and Canada is tentative.
If we continue to be locked down, I may be able to transfer photos and highlights of other trips here. (We spent two-plus months in Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Japan in 2017).